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Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney

My third thriller this year!

Rating: 3.5 stars


I wanted to DNF this book so many times but persisted because everyone kept raving about it. And boy am I glad that I finished it!

Rock Paper Scissors is about a married couple, Amelia and Adam, who take a trip to an isolated chapel in the Scottish highlands as a last-ditch effort to salvage their relationship. Little do they know that this chapel has many secrets. This trip will force them to reconsider how well they really know each other.

The story is told from both Amelia and Adam’s POV, as well as another character that I will leave nameless to keep this spoiler-free. The chapters are interspersed with letters as well. I found the letters to be quite cumbersome to read and felt it would have been better if it was written from third person perspective, but I can understand why the author chose not to. I also found both Amelia and Adam to be insufferable characters, I did not like either one of them. I believe that was intentional though given the nature of the book. The main gripe I had with the book was the way it was written. It’s as though the author wanted to be praised for her writing and so she fills every second sentence with some superficially deep observation. This became quite taxing after a while and detracted from the overall reading experience.

The last 100 pages is where this book really delivers! It is just twist after twist. I predicted some of them, but just not fully. Though looking back, one of the major twists was fairly obvious had I just paid attention.

Overall, a thrilling novel sure to give you whiplash towards the end from the sheer number of twists! The characters won’t make you stay, neither will the writing, but the plot delivers.

Memorable quotes:

It was a question I hated. Not because of the answer, but because of other people’s responses to it.
Time can change relationships like the sea reshapes the land.


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